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Andy Mison - ASPA President

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Shaping the Future: The Role of Principals in Education Policy and Reform

As we convene for the 2025 ASPA National Education Summit, we do so at a critical juncture in Australian education. The complexity of the challenges we face—ranging from technological disruption and social change to environmental and global political instability—demands a renewed commitment to collaboration and effective policymaking. As school leaders, principals must play a central role in shaping the design and implementation of education policy to ensure that students remain at the heart of reform.


This summit presents a vital opportunity to strengthen policy networks that bridge the gap between students, educators, policymakers, and key stakeholders. The increasing federated nature of education policy and investment—through national bodies such as the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO), and Education Services Australia (ESA)—demands a coordinated and strategic approach to reform.

The Better and Fairer Schools Funding Agreement, which promises 25% federal funding of public schools, marks the latest development in an ongoing shift in the national education landscape. With this investment comes the responsibility to ensure policy coherence and alignment, particularly as the Education Ministers Meeting (EMM) sets the agenda for national priorities. To realise the ambitions of the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Declaration, school leaders must be actively engaged in shaping the policies that will govern the future of Australian education.


The Growing Importance of Policy Networks in Education Reform

Research demonstrates that effective policy networks—collaborations between school leaders and teachers, policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders—are critical to achieving meaningful educational outcomes (Ball & Junemann, 2012). In recent years, there has been growing recognition that top-down, bureaucratic models of reform are insufficient in addressing the complex, real-world challenges faced by schools. Instead, distributed leadership and participatory policymaking have emerged as key drivers of sustainable change (Honig, 2006).


By engaging directly in policy networks, principals and leading educators contribute their frontline expertise to decision-making processes, ensuring that reforms are both practical and responsive to the diverse needs of students. This collaborative approach is essential in achieving the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Declaration’s vision for a world-class, inclusive, and equitable education system.


However, it is also essential to acknowledge that significant imbalances remain in the funding and regulatory arrangements supporting the public, Catholic, and independent school sectors. These disparities, which have been the subject of ongoing debate and policy adjustments, continue to create inequities in resourcing, staffing, and student support services. If we are serious about ensuring that every Australian student receives a high-quality education, these challenges must be confronted with courage and goodwill from all concerned. A genuinely collaborative approach—one that prioritises student outcomes over sectoral interests—is necessary to create a fairer and more coherent education system that serves all communities equitably.


Building Sustainable Partnerships Across Sectors

The challenges facing Australian education cannot be solved by public school communities alone. Increasingly, cross-sector partnerships—involving all three school sectors, government, industry, higher education, and community organisations—will be essential in supporting student success. Sustainable partnerships enable schools to access additional expertise, resources, and innovative approaches that extend beyond traditional educational boundaries (Fullan, 2011).


To this end, principals must be actively supported to take an active role in forging and sustaining these partnerships. Whether through engagement with policymakers in co-designing regulatory frameworks or collaborating with industry to align education with future workforce needs, school leaders are uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between policy and practice.


Placing Students at the Centre of Reform

At the core of all policy, discussions must be a relentless focus on what’s best for our young people. The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Declaration affirms that education should empower every young Australian to realise their potential and contribute meaningfully to society (Education Council, 2019). However, achieving this vision requires sustained effort to design policies that are practical, equitable, and adaptable to the evolving needs of students.


Too often, education reform debates become mired in political divisions—distracting from the fundamental goal of improving student learning and wellbeing. This summit is an opportunity to move beyond old battle lines and instead focus on ambitious, long-term reform agendas that place student success at the centre of every decision.


We must resist the temptation to reduce school improvement solely to a teacher quality issue, or the purpose of schooling merely to literacy and numeracy outcomes. While effective pedagogy is crucial, education is fundamentally about nurturing young people into flourishing citizens. Overemphasis on narrow metrics like ATAR scores and NAPLAN results has diminished the perceived value of education, potentially contributing to teacher shortages and inequitable resource distribution. Parents understand their children's worth extends beyond these measures, and trust educators to advocate for a more holistic and inclusive vision.


According to the OECD, leading education systems prioritise equity as the key to national excellence. We must ensure our policies reflect this principle, working collaboratively towards iterative, system-wide change that aligns with the Mparntwe Declaration's goals. Envisioning the ideal education system will guide these incremental improvements, fostering a coherent and effective approach to reform over the next decade.


Navigating Complexity: The Need for a Long-Term Vision

Education today is shaped by a rapidly evolving landscape. The rise of artificial intelligence, climate change, demographic shifts, social divisions and inequities, and global uncertainty all necessitate a forward-thinking approach to policy. Our system must not only respond to these changes but also anticipate and shape the future of education.


The growing national investment in education, coupled with an increasingly coordinated policy framework through national education bodies and the EMM, presents an unprecedented opportunity to build a national education system that is coherent, future-focused, and globally competitive. However, achieving this vision requires a commitment to long-term planning and stability in policy directions—moving beyond short-term political cycles towards a sustained national education strategy.


A Foundation for Nation Building

Education is not just about preparing students for the workforce; it is a fundamental pillar of nation-building. A well-educated population drives economic growth, social cohesion, and democratic participation. Yet, as a nation, we are only just beginning to realise the full potential of a truly integrated and strategic education system.


To build this future, we must recognise that principals are not just school managers—they are system leaders. Their insights and expertise must inform every level of policy development to ensure that reforms lead to genuine improvements in student learning and school effectiveness.


The 2025 ASPA National Education Summit represents an opportunity to shape the future of Australian education. By fostering collaboration between school leaders, policymakers, researchers, and industry, we can build a cohesive and ambitious national education agenda that transcends ideological divides and focuses on what truly matters—excellence and equity in education.


I extend my sincere gratitude to all attendees for their commitment to this critical work. I also wish to thank our summit sponsors, whose support has made this event possible. This summit is not just a one-off gathering—it is the foundation for an ongoing national conversation that will shape the trajectory of Australian education for years to come.


Let us seize this moment to strengthen our collective voice, drive meaningful reform, and ensure that every Australian student has access to the world-class education they deserve.



Ball, S. J., & Junemann, C. (2012). Networks, new governance and education. Policy Press.

Education Council. (2019). Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration. Retrieved from

Fullan, M. (2011). Change leader: Learning to do what matters most. John Wiley & Sons.

Honig, M. I. (2006). New directions in education policy implementation: Confronting complexity. SUNY Press.

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